Friday, December 2, 2011

Santa is Coming to Dover


The holidays are approaching fast and before your calendar gets booked make sure you mark your calendar with the following dates. Once again, Dover Main Street, is gearing up with some exciting family holiday events and you don’t want to miss out.

The events will kick off with the annual tree lighting ceremony on Friday, December 2. Bring the children to the Rotary Pavilion at Henry Law Park for the 6:00 p.m. lighting. Immediately following the tree lighting ceremony the children are welcome to visit with Santa and let him know what is on their wish list this year. Watch the wonder of your children’s eyes come to life as they sit awhile with Santa. Then, take a quick turn up the road and visit the Festival of Trees at Dover City Hall.

On Saturday, December 3, it is back to the workshop for Santa and Mrs. Claus. Families are welcome to stop by The Noggin Factory from 10:00 a.m. until noon and again from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to visit with Santa. Bring your camera and capture this special moment. During the lunch hour you will be able to catch up with Santa as he checks in with the merchants and shoppers of downtown Dover.

Holiday events will continue throughout the month including the cookie-decorating event at Café Ciabatta from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on December 10. The cost for this event is $2.00 per cookie and Mr. and Mrs. Claus will be on hand to help the children create a Christmas masterpiece. Immediate following Santa will head down Central Avenue for his Santa stroll and will eventually stop for a rest at Café on The Corner. There, he’ll be joined by Dover’s Mayor, who will read a story to all in attendance.

On December 11, there will be recreational public skating at the Dover Ice Arena from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Children will be welcome to gather around Santa and Mrs. Claus from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. for story time and holiday songs.

Join us at Kaleo Coffee located in the Janetos Plaza for a pancake breakfast with Santa from 9:00 to 11:00 on December 17. Dover Kiwanis will be providing a special breakfast for children and families as they stop by to see Santa. Immediately following the breakfast, Santa and Mrs. Claus will take one last stroll around downtown Dover to make sure that everyone is prepared for Christmas.

The grand finale of the Dover Main Street Christmas festivities will be on December 22 at high noon. There are more than 20 businesses in downtown that will be collecting non-perishable items during the weeks prior to Christmas. On December 22, all of the donated food will be collected into shopping carts and there will be a Shopping Cart Parade down the sidewalks of Central Ave. The food and donated items will arrive on the doorstep of the Dover Food Pantry to help them make the season a little easier for some of our local families.

Volunteers are always welcome and needed to assist in planning and completing projects. To find out more information, to sign up as a volunteer, or to donate to the Dover Main Street Program, contact the office at 740-6435 or email

Photo Caption: (Photo courtesy of Dover Main Street)