Friday, June 1, 2012

Eagle Scout to be Honored

Troop 358 of Barrington is hosting an Eagle Court of Honor to recognize and celebrate Samuel Cheney for his achieving Eagle Scout.  The ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 3, at 1 p.m. at Saint Joseph Church, 150 Central Avenue in Dover.  Cheney’s Eagle project consisted of extensive work on the Waste Management Gonic Trails at Mount Isinglas Recreational Area in Rochester which included planning and directing the construction of 2 bridges across streams, the blazing of the Blue and Red trails with trail markers to improve navigability, installation of hand-made blue, red, and yellow directional arrow signs at key intersections, and installing a post at the trailhead with blue and yellow arrows to identify trail paths.  This project involved more than 206 hours of labor by members of his troop and other volunteers.
The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank in Boy Scouting with only two percent of all scouts achieving this award. 
Special guest at the event will be Ovide Lamontagne, 2012 Candidate for Governor of New Hampshire and 2009 New Hampshire Distinguished Citizen of the Year. (courtesy photo)