It’s spring and the art is in bloom! The Artists of Salmon Falls Mills in Rollinsford open their studios to the public on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, May 8th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Enter a world of beautiful landscapes, mesmerizing sculptures, colorful crafts, quirky comics, and even retro rocket ships! The free event annually draws families, art lovers, and adventure-seekers of all ages. Both the Upper Mill and Lower Mill will be open, and participating artists include painters, photographers, bookbinders, furniture makers, sculptors, fabric artists and many more. Live entertainment will be provided for your enjoyment. Get your kids to be creative and participate in the kid’s art stations where they can make artistic gifts for Mom.
“Even though these artists are in an old factory building, the work is hardly mass produced,” said Johanna Finnegan-Topitzer of Selkie Bindery, “You can visit studios, ask questions, and get quality items made right in your own community. Both the upper mill and lower mill will be open, as well as many downtown local businesses. We’re expecting a good showing this year. It’s a great way to celebrate local art and community.”
Many of the mill’s residents are teaching artists, so the event can be a good way to explore the possibility of taking a class in painting, drawing, and even flamenco dance. New to the Mills this season is nationally known oil painter Dennis Perrin. Along with artist Alan Amman, Perrin has started a new painting school in the mill. Called The New Studio School, the classes will offer instruction in the fundamentals of oil painting. There will be a class in session from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. during Open Studios and the public is welcome to observe.
For more info and directions, go to www.MillArtists.com or join the Artists of Salmon Falls Mills fan page on facebook.
Photo caption: An oil painting of a floral scene by Dennis Perrin. (Courtesy photo)
It’s spring and the art is in bloom! The Artists of Salmon Falls Mills in Rollinsford open their studios to the public on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, May 8th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Enter a world of beautiful landscapes, mesmerizing sculptures, colorful crafts, quirky comics, and even retro rocket ships! The free event annually draws families, art lovers, and adventure-seekers of all ages. Both the Upper Mill and Lower Mill will be open, and participating artists include painters, photographers, bookbinders, furniture makers, sculptors, fabric artists and many more. Live entertainment will be provided for your enjoyment. Get your kids to be creative and participate in the kid’s art stations where they can make artistic gifts for Mom.
“Even though these artists are in an old factory building, the work is hardly mass produced,” said Johanna Finnegan-Topitzer of Selkie Bindery, “You can visit studios, ask questions, and get quality items made right in your own community. Both the upper mill and lower mill will be open, as well as many downtown local businesses. We’re expecting a good showing this year. It’s a great way to celebrate local art and community.”
Many of the mill’s residents are teaching artists, so the event can be a good way to explore the possibility of taking a class in painting, drawing, and even flamenco dance. New to the Mills this season is nationally known oil painter Dennis Perrin. Along with artist Alan Amman, Perrin has started a new painting school in the mill. Called The New Studio School, the classes will offer instruction in the fundamentals of oil painting. There will be a class in session from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. during Open Studios and the public is welcome to observe.
For more info and directions, go to www.MillArtists.com or join the Artists of Salmon Falls Mills fan page on facebook.
Photo caption: An oil painting of a floral scene by Dennis Perrin. (Courtesy photo)