Friday, April 20, 2012

Dover Clean-Up Day set for April 28

The volunteers at Dover Main Street, along with Dover Community Services and event underwriter Centrix Bank are busy planning another project-filled day to get downtown Dover in shape for our residents and summer visitors. This year’s date is Saturday, April 28.
Last year, over 300 bright, sunny, energetic volunteers raked, pruned, swept, mulched, weeded, painted and planted their way through 12 sites in the downtown area. Their efforts helped make the downtown area green and beautiful throughout the spring and summer. As always, community volunteers are the key to the success of the projects, so whether you can spend just an hour or come for the morning, email to sign up.
The April 28 event will be the 13th year of Dover Pride / Downtown Clean-Up Day and as usual, Dover Kiwanis Club members will be dishing up a hearty pancake breakfast for the volunteers in the Cocheco Mills Courtyard on Central Avenue staring at 8am. From there, volunteers will be assigned to a work site for the morning. It is recommended that volunteers wear loose comfortable clothing. Extra rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows are always welcomed, but they should have the owners name on them. If you have a special green thumb or landscaping experience, we are also always in need of project supervisors.
A special award, “The Golden Pitchfork”, will be bestowed upon the organization or business team that shows the most spirit that day. Last year’s winners were from the Dover Police department.
The day will wind up at 11:30am with a pizza lunch in the Cocheco Mills Courtyard provided by Kendall Pond Pizza. Other generous supporters include Wentworth Greenhouses, Rebel Chef Café, Seacoast Coca-Cola and Reverie Designs. Don’t forget that Dover Pride/Downtown Clean-Up Day is a rain or shine event.
Dover Main Street is a not for profit downtown revitalization organization which operates under the auspices of the National Main Street Center, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Dover Main Street mission is to preserve the past, promote the present, and facilitate the future. Dover is celebrating its 12th year as a fully accredited National Main Street Program.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed to assist in planning and completing projects. To find out more information, to sign up as a volunteer, or to donate to the Dover Main Street Program, contact the office at 740-6435 or email (Courtesy logo)

Seacoast Mourns the Loss of Police Chief Maloney

Guinta Makes a Statement on Shooting Incident in Greenland

Congressman Frank Guinta (NH-01) recently released the following statement regarding the death of Greenland Police Chief Michael Maloney and the wounding of four other law enforcement officials during the shooting in Greenland which occurred Thursday, April 12.
“My thoughts and prayers, along with those of my wife Morgan, are with the family of Greenland Police Chief Michael Maloney. Chief Maloney was a beloved figure in Greenland and throughout the New Hampshire law enforcement community. He will be deeply missed and our condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues.
“We also continue our prayers for the four officers who were injured in the incident: Detective Eric Kulberg of the University of New Hampshire Police Department, Detective Gregory Turner of the Dover Police Department, Detective Scott Kukesh of the Newmarket Police Department, and Detective Jeremiah Murphy of the Rochester Police Department. We are hopeful for their full recovery.
“Thursday’s incident reminds us of the dedication displayed by all of New Hampshire’s first responders. Day in and day out, they serve us with the upmost professionalism and dignity. In the wake of yesterday’s tragic events, we remind all members of our law enforcement community that all Granite Staters stand behind them in full support and appreciation of their bravery and sacrifice.”

Obituary of Michael P. Maloney

Greenland Police Chief Michael P. Maloney, 48, passed away Thursday, April 12, while protecting his community and brother police officers. Chief Maloney was a 26-year law enforcement professional who was well-respected by all in the law enforcement community as well as his local community.
Chief Maloney was a graduate of Winnacunnet High School in Hampton. He joined the Army Reserve, where he served as a drill instructor, and then joined the Rye and North Hampton police departments as a part-time officer. A year later, he was hired as a full-time officer in North Hampton. Michael worked his way through the ranks to police chief before being hired as Greenland’s police chief for the past 12 years.
Chief Maloney was a graduate of the 76th New Hampshire Police Academy and received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Hesser College.
Michael is survived by the “love of his life,” his wife Peg; his father, John and wife, Jane; his mother, Joan, and husband, Rich Buchanan. He is also survived by his brothers, Kevin, Dennis and Tim and his wife, Jessica; sisters Carolyn and Kathleen and her husband, Bill Lahey. Michael leaves behind his children, Michael Jr., Serena, stepson Ryan Vickers, and grandson Michael Jacob “MJ”, and many nieces and nephews. Chief Maloney also leaves his “Second Family” the officers of the Greenland Police Department.
Services will be held at noon Thursday, April 19 at Winnacunnet High School Athletic Field, 1 Alumni Drive, Hampton (weather permitting) or Winnacunnet High School Gymnasium. All are respectfully invited.
Interment will be private. Family flowers only. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Chief Michael Maloney Trust Fund, c/o Optima Bank, 26 Lafayette Road, North Hampton 03862 or any of their branches.
Additional parking for the public is being made available adjacent to the funeral home by the Best Western Hotel behind their Conference Center. For more information, visit (Courtesy photo)

Somersworth Chamber Calls for Nominees

The Greater Somersworth Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting nominations for Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year and Teacher of the Year for the five-town region that includes Somersworth, Rollinsford and the Berwick’s of Maine. This year’s awards are sponsored by the Spence & Mathews Insurance agency of Berwick. The deadline for submission of nominations for the three awards is Monday, April 23, and the winners will be announced on April 26. Winners will be publicly honored at the Chamber’s 2012 Annual Dinner & Awards event in May. Criteria and nomination forms may be downloaded from the Chamber website at
This year’s Annual Dinner, “Sundown at the Red Barn,” takes place on Friday, May 18, at The Red Barn at Outlook in South Berwick, ME. Underwriters for the annual dinner are Kennebunk Savings Bank, D. F. Richard Energy and Public Service of New Hampshire. Tickets to the dinner may be purchased at the Greater Somersworth Chamber of Commerce located at 58 High Street in Somersworth.
To be eligible for nomination, a teacher must work full-time in grades K-12 in the public school systems of any of the five communities served by the Chamber. Teachers in any Chamber member private school are also eligible for nomination. Current private school Chamber members include Tri-City Christian Academy and St. Thomas Aquinas High School.
Chamber Annual Dinner Committee Chair, Tony Lemmo of Sevigney Lyons Insurance announced that, “The public is encouraged to get involved with this important community event by nominating the people and businesses that truly stand out through their substantive contributions and commitments to the betterment of the Greater Somersworth area.”
For more information, contact the Chamber at 603-692-7175 or