St. Thomas Aquinas High School of Dover recently held a canned food drive with a school goal of collecting 10,000 cans. To some, this was a lofty goal, but not for the community of St. Thomas. It was a challenge -- and not only did the community step up to the plate, they hit a grand slam.
The school met and exceeded all expectations, collecting more than 17,000 cans in just two weeks. Homerooms were challenged to bring in as many cans as possible, with the group bringing in the most cans winning a special breakfast and bragging rights. The fact that this effort helps thousands of people in need is, of course, the biggest reason that students support this program so whole-heartedly, but a little friendly competition certainly makes it more interesting.
The top homeroom averaged 81 cans per person. The cans and other non-perishable food items were transported via the cars and vans of parent volunteers to area food banks. Led by Theology teacher Mr. Randy Wolter, the majority of the cans were delivered by a group of student volunteers to Lazarus House Ministries in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The students got busy unloading, sorting, and organizing the food items in the Lazarus House food pantry. They also worked with the Lazarus House staff to help cook and serve a meal to those who visited the shelter.
“I am still overwhelmed by the support that Lazarus House Ministries received. The students, parents and staff of St. Thomas Aquinas High School once again reflected a potent example of one community helping another,” said Ken Campbell, Food Coordinator for Lazarus House Ministries.
Since 1983, Lazarus House Ministries has helped the poor and homeless by providing hot meals, temporary shelter, job training, child care, emergency food, clothing, outreach and advocacy.
Making a difference speaks to the heart of the mission of St. Thomas Aquinas High School. The school would like to recognize the remarkable efforts of its students, teachers and families who helped make the food drive such a tremendous success.
Photo caption: St. Thomas students Faith Schwoerer ‘11, Nathan Cook ‘11, O’Shane Morgan ’12, and Jocelyn Winter ‘12 help serve food at Lazarus House In Lawrence, MA. (Courtesy photo)