The Granite State Sentinel
says “Hello Neighbor”
It is with great pleasure and pride that we bring you the first edition of The Granite State Sentinel, serving the communities of Somersworth and Rollinsford entirely and initially offering partial coverage of Dover, with full coverage coming within a few short weeks. Your newspaper will begin arriving in your mailbox this Friday and every week thereafter. Many years of newspaper experience coupled with months of resident interviews have given us the ideas for the type of stories you want to read. While it is true large daily newspapers serve this area and they do a very good job in reporting the national and regional news, it also remains true the area is underserved with stories that are most interesting to the residents of your towns.
Residents of Somersworth, Rollinsford and Dover will begin receiving their copies of The Granite State Sentinel in the mail weekly while the residents of other surrounding towns may pick up copies at a number of convenient store locations until we can add these towns to our weekly mailings within the very near future.
It is our primary mission to become your neighborhood newspaper providing news about town issues, school activities, including sports profiles, business profiles and any category of events ranging from bean suppers to town parades. On occasion we will report events that are taking place in neighboring communities only if we feel it is of interest to the majority of our readers. That restriction will hold true about any statewide issue that we feel fits the same profile. We feel it is our job to be informational rather than confrontational and in doing so provide you with the “good” news about the “fine” towns we serve.
Thank you again for accepting us into your homes and please e-mail or call us with any news about upcoming events and we will see that the message gets in to the hands of our readers.
Mark J. Wilcox
Photo captions: Left — Somersworth City Hall. Right — Rollinsford Town Hall (Granite State Sentinel photos)