Agriculture or forest landowners in New Hampshire: If you
are interested in protecting, conserving, or restoring the natural resources on
your property through technical or financial assistance, contact your local
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) field office to begin the
conservation planning process.
Once an NRCS Conservation Plan is developed, you can work
with NRCS to determine which programs would best suit your conservation needs.
Applications for NRCS programs and initiatives (see below for details) may be
submitted at any time year-round; however, the next application cut-off date is
December 3 of this year. In order for your application to be considered in the
February 15, 2013 ranking, landowners/operators must submit a complete
application packet (including eligibility paperwork) by December 3. Additional
application cut-off dates may be announced, if funding becomes available.
Applicants must be eligible in the USDA Farm Service
Agency’s (FSA) system by February 15 of next year to be considered in this
round. If your landowner eligibility has not yet been cleared by USDA, you are
strongly advised to get your landowner eligibility documentation submitted to your
USDA Service Center as soon as possible (ASAP), because it may take several
weeks to clear eligibility in order for your application to be ranked.
“NRCS conservation programs help farmers and forest
landowners promote stewardship and environmental quality on farm and forest
land, address water quality and quantity challenges, and protect valuable
wetland ecosystems, agricultural lands, and wildlife habitat,” said Rick
Ellsmore, NRCS state conservationist for New Hampshire. “NRCS conservation
professionals will discuss with you your conservation objectives, help you
identify resource concerns, and suggest options and alternatives for treatment.
We will also identify conservation programs that may provide you with financial
assistance for the implementation of many conservation practices.”
Examples of eligible lands in New Hampshire include
privately owned:
- Agricultural land
- Grasslands
- Non-industrial private forest lands
- Freshwater wetlands and salt marshes
- Coastal habitats, and rivers and streams
Emphasis areas in New Hampshire are:
- Livestock and grazing issues
- Cropland – including orchards, specialty crops, high
tunnel and greenhouse operations
- Forestry
- Organic Agriculture
- Fish and Wildlife Habitat – including native pollinator
- Energy Conservation
The 2008 Farm Bill, provides higher payments for land owners
who qualify as beginning farmers, limited resource producers, or those who are
“socially disadvantaged” because they belong to racial or ethnic groups that
have historically been subjected to prejudice. Such landowners could
historically receive up to ninety percent of the estimated incurred costs
associated with planning and implementing conservation measures. However, Farm
Bill program policy is subject to change.
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) – Through
EQIP, farmers may receive financial and technical help with structural and
management conservation practices on agricultural and forest land. EQIP in New
Hampshire offers financial assistance to help off-set the costs of eligible
conservation practices. Environmental Quality Incentives Program Initiatives
include the Organic, On-Farm Energy, Seasonal High Tunnel, Long Island Sound
Partnership, and the Water Quality (new watershed(s) to be determined), and New
England & New York Forestry initiative.
- Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) – This program
provides assistance to landowners who want to improve fish and wildlife habitat
or restore natural ecosystems on their land. This program includes the Working
Lands for Wildlife New England Cottontail initiative that was offered last
- Agricultural Management Assistance Program (AMA) – This
program provides assistance to agricultural producers to voluntarily address
issues such as water management, water quality, and erosion control by
incorporating conservation into their farming operations.